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Ryan Made Mistakes is a semi-complete, quasi-chronological collection of the near-death decisions that its creator Ryan Estrada has made. All these stories are, unfortunately, true.
I Wouldn't Change A Thing: Page 4
Posted October 2, 2019 at 12:00 am

That's the whole story.

Thanks for reading Ryan Made Mistakes (1980-1997) Minor Issues

I guess technically I made a mistake in naming this volume, since the last three pages took place in 1998. WHOOPS. I forgot that my birthday is in November, so I was still a minor in '98.

I'm off to work on other projects! One day I'll return with volume 2, about moving to Korea for the first time! To see what's up and what I'm working on, follow me on twitter!

Or just check out a ton more comics at ryanestrada.com including more stories of my many mistakes!

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